Friday, September 18, 2009

Trip Photos

Just wanted to share some photos from my trip back home! It was awesome and I had a great time catching up with old friends and my family.

First off if you have ever visited The Cheesecake Factory you more then likely know about the great food and great cheesecake. I can't find one around me which makes me sad but I was happy to bring this home for the family while I was there. Oreo Cheesecake. <3

My sister and me took a trip to the Dog Museum and Holocaust Museum. Both located in St. Louis, MO. Both were very good and interesting. I know it's a strange combination to do in a day but still we had a good time.

The Dog Museum was $5.00 a piece and the Holocaust Museum was free. They did step up there security at the Holocaust Museum a little so you can't just walk in/etc. They also have Holocaust survivors that help in the Museum and can answer questions you might have.

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